Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Shell done, now wiring..Part 4

So the project progresses. With the code written, all thats left is the bugs and the wiring, and Im sure there will be bugs, but maybe not. Once the full system is bench tested, basically there is nothing left but the wiring, and making it pretty.

I went ahead and did the final fitting in the car. I have to admit I was able to make a pretty nice fit, which is what I wanted. Though its not original to the car, I didnt want it to look sloppy after all. While Im testing the code, and burning the system, I put the first of a few coats of paint on and started the wiring.

Basically the ugly part of any project, wiring it all together. This is a picture of the start of that process. You can see the APRS radio is now dry fitted in its new home. The wiring here is for the panel switches, the two 5V power supplies, and the mobile phone chargers. My calculations Ill need 2 circuits from the car, a 7A and a 15A. The 7A circuit will power the 5V supplies, and the chargers. The chargers pull 2A each, the power supplies are 2A each for a total of 4A, plus a little head room so no fuses are blown. The radio is a 55W radio and pulls 11A on high power. Ill probably run is on medium power which pulls 7.5A@25W. This still needs the TFT screen hole cut, and the arduino wiring install but that will be soon enough, that mess is still under test.

The GPS receive and the power supply I designed are now finished and work great. I found some commercial enclosures that look nice. It was a bit of a fit, and I almost got it too close, but I ended up using a perfboard, and some headers, putting the receiver next to the power supply, they snugged into the box just fine. The antenna is not shown here, but will be attached to the reliever and mounted in the enclosure as well. Its been tested and it all works. Future revisions the perf board will be a PCB....and the jumpers will be gone as well....

The purple board is the supply. I designed to interface with the receiver, and had Osh Park fabricate for me. They are awesome on turn around time. From design. to submitting , to boards in my hands, 9 days.....coolness. You can check them out at www.oshpark.com.

More later...Happy Coding!

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